Book Discussion

Book Review

Front & Back     Image: Front cover and back cover of the book


Abu H. Imamuddin Tolo, was a Professor of Architecture at Dammam University, Saudi Arabia. He has 22 years of teaching experience abroad, before which he was a faculty member at BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh for 21 years. He was the former Head of the Department of Architecture and Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Planning, BUET. He has written and edited several books on architecture and architectural conservation, one of which was published by the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. He had previously written a book on architecture in Bangla.

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 Author Imamuddin Tolo

Title:          Architecture and Learning

Author:      Imamuddin Tolo

Publisher:  Panjeri Publications Limited

Edition:      First Edition, 2024

Pages:        288

Language: Bangla

ISBN:         9789849852445


The book ‘Architecture and Learning’ is written in Bangla and English. It is extensively illustrated with diagrams and photographs, which are the common language of architects and architecture students. Nowadays, reading, listening to and viewing text on digital screens has reduced the patience for reading books. For this reason, each subject in this book has been limited to one paragraph and presented with information and pictures.

To make the subject of architecture easy to understand, every piece of information has been presented using moderate words, exercise diagrams, drawings, and photographs. According to the author, this book is useful for those who do not want to read much. The interested reader will always find detailed written information on these subjects from other sources. Although it is noteworthy that no one can teach architecture, it is possible to learn it only through one's initiative.


Image: Part of the inside of the book


Image: Part of the inside of the book

The book is divided into two parts as per the title. The first part contains a summary of vast information related to architecture and its evolution. The first part is written for students, which will encourage them to pursue a career in architecture. The second part provides step-by-step instructions with information to apply the architectural practice cycle. To make architecture easy to understand, there are eight-step practice cycles, which will give the reader an idea of ​​the techniques of architecture. In a word, ‘Architecture and Practice’ can be an ideal book for the interested reader to get started in architecture.

Contributor: Ar. Faiza Fairooz
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