Restoration of an Archeological Site: The palace of Raja Sitaram Roy, Mohammadpur (2nd Part)

Sthapattya O Nirman
Environment & Planning
February 28, 2024
Restoration of an Archeological Site: The palace of Raja Sitaram Roy, Mohammadpur (2nd Part)

Project data is collected from Urban Development Directorate (UDD)

Spatial analysis of the site:

Up-to-date satellite image from google has been downloaded and used for spatial analysis of the site. From the spatial analysis, it is found that the total fort area is approximately 60 acres including the trench. There are 05 heritage pond inside fort area and its area is approximately 4.65 acre. The number of heritage structure is 06 and their approximately area is 0.24 acre and number of heritage site inside the fort area is 02 with an area of 1.3 acre. The trench that covers the total area measured 15.5 acre approximately.

Trench Condition

Image: Existing condition of Trench of Raja Sitaram Roy's Palace

Source: UDD

Identification of trench:

The trench is rectangular in shape and its width isn’t uniform in every side because some area has been filled up, some area has been converted into a field and ditches. But overall the trench area has been visible from satellite image which has been verified through continuous field visit. In the past, the trench area was a canal that cover all the palace. A liner rows of pond still now visible at the trench area. Some pond has been filled up and residential building has been constructed. Some area has converted into a narrow ditch and some area are completely used as agricultural land.


Image: Waterbodies of Raja Sitaram Roy's Palace

Source: UDD


The most significant things happened in the site is that many waterbodies inside and adjacent area has been filled up including two heritage pond that identify in the sketch. Influential people grabbed the pond filled up and subdivided into a residential plot.

Settlement and Structure:

The palace area has been converted into a built -up area where residential building is dominating. Besides some government offices, commercial and educational building are also identified in side the area. The northern and western side are mainly used for agriculture. There are three types of structure has been identified at site area including Katcha, Semi-pacca and Pacca. Most of the pacca structure are two-storied and used for residential purposes.

Road network:

There are three types of road has been identified Pacca, Brick soling (HBB) and katcha. Maximum width of the main arterial road is 21 feet. 

Proposed Blocks

Image: Existing settlement pattern of Raja Sitaram Roy's Palace

Source: UDD

Planning Consideration:

Proposed planning blocks

For the planning consideration, the total area has divided into 2 proposed blocks.

Block A (Kacharibari, Padmapukur and Dolmonch area): The proposal is to design the area as a public space where circular walkway around the “Padmapukur” including 04 staircase at four side 04 side of the pond have been designed. Sitting benches, vegetation around the pond also been proposed. Some water-based recreation facilities (e.g paddle boat, kayak etc) has also been proposed. In the Dolmonch and its court yard area has been designed to perform religious rituals by the hindu pilgrims

Block B (Other Pond and heritage area): The third design block has designed to cover all the other heritage structure, temples, ponds and heritage site and been proposed as a tourist spot. Continues walkway has been proposed that connect all these sites.


Proposed design of Raja Sitaram palace area:

A detail design of the palace area has been proposed to restore the whole site. The main focus in the design to develop the site as a tourist attraction as well as a public space for the locals. In the design it also has been tried to restore the original design of the palace.




Image: Masterplan

Source: UDD


Proposed trench

The trench has to be re excavated at its original location with a proposed uniform width of 80 feet. From the spatial analysis it is found that the trench was in a rectangular shape, in proposed design it is recommended to keep the trench in rectangular shape also. 

Proposed road network

Now the width of main arterial road of the site in 21 feet. In the design three types of road having width of 21’, 16’ and 10’ has been proposed.

Proposed walkway

A rectangular shape continuous walkway has been proposed both side the trench has been proposed. The proposed width of the walkway is 5’.

Proposed waterbodies

All the heritage pond should be preserved and has been proposed to use for different purposes. The Padmapukur should be used for recreation purposes and Sadhupukur should be used as a lily pond and fishing pond also. All these water bodies should be connected through continuous walkway.

Proposal for heritage structure

All the heritage structures should be preserved. The proposal for the Kacharibari should be used as a residential hotel for the tourist. The heritage temple could be preserved for the hindu pilgrims. 

Proposed built form

Several built structures have been proposed in the design for government offices, residential hotels, food courts etc. Two ritual pavilion and a museum also proposed in the design.

Proposed amenities

Several amenities e.g. picnic spot, place for hat/fair, sports ground, water ride has been proposed in the design. 

Contributor: Ar. Faiza Fairooz

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স্থপতি নিশি সাইমুন

March 7, 2024

খুব সুন্দর একটা ঐতিহাসিক নিদর্শন, যা ধীরে ধীরে ধংশ হয়ে যাচ্ছিল সঠিক রক্ষণাবেক্ষণ- র অভাবে। ঐতিহাসিক নিদর্শনগুলো সংরক্ষণের জন্য নগর উন্নয়ন অধিদপ্তরকে ধন্যবাদ।

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